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SAVE THE DATE! Open House at our 2005 Quebec Street office November 7th.

All of our offices will be closed on **Monday, November 11th** for Remembrance Day.

Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility


Donate Now

Donate to Wavefront Centre

We are a BC charity dedicated to creating a society in which Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Hearing  individuals can interact freely without communication barriers.

Hearing loss is fast-growing and one of the most prevalent chronic conditions facing Canadians. As a result, community demand for Wavefront Centre services are increasing as the number of British Columbians requiring our services grows.

In the past, Wavefront Centre relied on predictable government funding and Hearing Aid Clinic sales to fund our free community programs and services. Today, we are faced with a new reality: diminishing government funding coupled with a growing need for quality Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services.

To build on our dream of a British Columbia where everyone can communicate fully and freely with equal access to their communities, we invite you to help shape the future of Wavefront Centre.

With your contribution, we can continue to provide the programs and services that make a difference in the lives of thousands of Deaf and Hard of Hearing British Columbians every year.

Join us and make a gift of hearing and inclusivness today!

Donate today at Canada Helps

Donate by cheque, credit card, or cash at any time by mail, by phone, in person, or online at:

Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility
2125 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6K 1X9
Phone: 604-736-7391
TTY: 604-736-2527

Cheques can be made to “Wavefront” or “WIDHH”

Accessible brand and website made with heart by Harc Creative