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***  Our offices will be closed for Family Day Monday February 17, 2025 ***

***Please note the federal government has extended the deadline to  Feb. 28, 2025, for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year***

Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility


What to expect?

Your First Hearing Test

Hearing tests are full assessments of your hearing ability, speech understanding ability, and communication needs. Tests take 1 hour to 1.5 hours and are performed by a Registered Audiologist. 

Request a Hearing Test Appointment

What To Expect At Your First Hearing Test

Request an Appointment
A hearing test appointment with our hearing health professionals includes:

  • Visual Ear Exam: An otoscopic inspection of your ears for any issues that may affect your hearing such as ear wax build-up or abnormal conditions in the ear canal.
  • Health History Questionnaire: A questionnaire to uncover any health factors that can affect your hearing, such as certain medications or chronic health conditions.
  • Hearing Test: A full assessment of your hearing and speech understanding ability conducted in a soundproof booth. You will listen to a series of sounds and indicate if and when you hear each sound. You will also receive an assessment of your middle ear function.
  • Results: Our professional will record your results on a hearing chart (audiogram), guide you through your results, and explain what they mean for your hearing health.
  • Communication Needs Assessment: Your professional will chat with you about your communication needs at work or school, at home, and in your social life to determine daily situations where your hearing ability is most important to you.
  • Hearing Aid Consultation and Recommendation: Your Wavefront Centre professional will make recommendations for you based on your hearing needs, make any necessary medical referrals, and determine whether you can benefit from a hearing aid. If you can, your professional will recommend the best hearing aid solution to suit your needs, lifestyle, support network, and budget.

Your initial hearing test at Wavefront Centre usually takes 90 minutes. Because of the detailed nature of the hearing test appointment, there is a $75 fee. If it is determined that you would benefit from hearing aids, this fee can be put towards the cost of any new aids that you purchase (within 6 months of the hearing test).

Accessible brand and website made with heart by Harc Creative