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Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility


September 8, 2021

Disability Community Hosts National Election Debate on Disability Issues

Canadians with disabilities are far too often an afterthought of politicians and government. During the last federal election, no question was asked during the leaders debates about persons with disabilities or about creating a more accessible Canada. As a result, the community has taken it upon themselves to host a national and accessible debate, focused exclusively on people with disabilities.

A coalition of over 25 disability organizations called on the major political parties to attend a national election debate on disability issues. Organized by the Pan-Canadian Disability Coalition on September 7, the debate gave the major political parties the opportunity to share their vision and platform for the nearly 6.2 million Canadians with disabilities.

The discussion and engagement with the parties was historic for our community and this conversation will enable us to better engage the political parties in Ottawa and beyond! As the largest minority in Canada at 22%, we have the potential to make a great impact and this event was another channel that showcased our power.  

For those who missed it, feel free to access the recording at:

Read the press release here. (En français)

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