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Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility


Join us for the

DeafBlind Halloween Pumpkin/Costume Challenge

Show us your spooky, funny, and creative costumes! Win a $25 Gift Card!


Due to COVID-19, we cannot host a social gathering together. But, we can still do something fun with Halloween! Let’s take on a DeafBlind Halloween Pumpkin/Costume Challenge.

Below are a few ways for you to participate:

  1. Pumpkin Carver Challenge. Pick your own pumpkin, be creative and carve your pumpkin. Submit a photo of yourself with your carved pumpkin.
  2. No pumpkin? No problem! You can dress-up in any Halloween costume. Send a photo of yourself with your favourite costume.
  3. You can also submit an entry where you dress-up in a Halloween costume and also show us your fancy carved pumpkin.
  4. No costume or pumpkin? That’s not a problem too! If you have a camera, pick your favourite spooky Halloween background and take a photo of yourself with the Halloween background.

How to Enter?

Select one of the challenges above and send your photo to Ryan Ollis, DeafBlind Coordinator, to

You may also mail your submission to 2005 Quebec Street, Vancouver, BC, V5T 2Z6 with attention to Ryan Ollis.

Deadline is October 27, 2020.


  1. BC Residents only.
  2. Must identify yourself as DeafBlind
  3. Can only choose one of four options listed above
  4. You must be included in the photo to enter the contest
  5. The photo must have transcript.
  6. All ages welcome
  7. Maximum one entry per person.
  8. By entering into the Halloween CHallenge, you agree to have your photo posted on our website and social channels.

If you have additional questions, please e-mail Ryan Ollis. We look forward to seeing your pictures!


Accessible brand and website made with heart by Harc Creative