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***  Our offices will be closed for Family Day Monday February 17, 2025 ***

***Please note the federal government has extended the deadline to  Feb. 28, 2025, for making donations eligible for tax support in the 2024 tax year***

Wavefront Hearing Clinics


Our Services

Hearing Tests

At Wavefront Centre, we work with you to find the best solution to meet your communication needs. We do more than dispense hearing aids. We help you develop strategies to manage your hearing loss for the rest of your life.

Request an appointment

Hearing Tests

Many Canadians aged 40 to 79 years are unaware that they have hearing loss*. Hearing loss often occurs gradually as part of the aging process. It may also be caused by loud noise, trauma, medications, disease and hereditary factors.

Your first hearing test is especially important to set a baseline for your hearing health, so that any changes can be tracked over time.

We recommend that you book a hearing test if:

  • you think you may be experiencing hearing loss;
  • your family and friends have experienced concerns about your hearing;
  • you work in a loud environment; or
  • you have a history of ear infections, surgery, or draining ear(s);
  • you have not had a hearing test in the last 24 months.

Request an appointment

Drop-in services currently suspended until further notice. Please book an appointment with us.

At Wavefront Centre, a hearing test is $95 for adults and includes a detailed 1.5 hr assessment of your hearing ability, speech understanding ability, and communication needs. Hearing tests for children are available at our Tricities location. The cost for a pediatric hearing assessment and report is $125.

(*Source: Statistics Canada)

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